Guy James Show Was a Reality Based Political Talk Show
The Guy James Show was a Reality Based Political Talk Show.
This was the show's website for a number of years.
Where is Guy James and his radio show now that we are in the midst of another Republican controlled presidency. It's amazing that the questions he asked his readership when the show's site first was created after the 2002 elections are unfortunatately even more relevant today because of the Trump's presidency.
The new owner of this site's domain could not let Guy James observations disappear from the web forever, so he has brought back some of the site's archived content for those who inadvertantly end up here.
Content is from the site's 2003- 2012 archived pages.
Are You Mad?
...About the last elections?
...About the frustrations suffered by Democrats in southwest Florida?
...About Democrats changing parties to be "in" in Collier County?
...About feeling "shut out" of the local political talk shows?
You answered yes.
...So do something about it!
Now is the time to begin to build a real army, one that can go into battle in the next election and present a force that will finally make a difference.
Join The Guy James Army and together we will make a difference.
JUMP TO 2006
Guy James Show Update
Guy's Show Update:
March 27th: Compliments of the Head On Radio Network, we are pleased to announce the H.O.R.N. Chat Room!
March 18th: Well, we're finally ready. Its been a long wait but we are now free from the bonds of Right-Wing radio station ownership here in S.W. Florida. Our new studio is finished and it is state of the art and beautiful (We'll post some pictures soon).
Thanks to all of you who helped make this possible and also, to all who have provided much encouragement during these past months.
We'll be here for you every Monday thru Friday from 3 to 5pm Eastern time.
"Rats and roaches live by competition under the laws of supply and demand. It is the privilege of human beings to live under the laws of justice and mercy." - Wendell Berry
My faithful listeners and I embarked upon an important journey over 3 years ago. It was to be a journey towards truth in broadcasting which is something Liberals or Progressives have very little of today.
We've been thru the events of these past years together, thru thick and thin..mostly thin for Liberals and Progressives. We've lost one election after another and as I have stated many times I believe the reason we lose is because we do not have an adequate media presence. We are being beaten to death by the Right-Wing propaganda machine and the powers that be on our side of the aisle have almost totally failed to recognize this glaring deficiency on our part.
The mission of this program was to help change all of that. We wanted to bring truth to power in the media for our side. The Radical-Right has done everything in their power to get rid of our show after promising to "get him off the air by any means necessary." Imagine being so threatened by a mere 3 hours a week of true Liberal broadcasting compared to hundreds of hours of Right-Wing propaganda! Why are they so worried? Because they are afraid a program like ours will be the seed sown that grows into a powerful voice for the Left.
I don't shy away from the term "Liberal Democrat". That's what I am and I'm damned proud to say it. It's what I always have been and what I will always be (unlike a couple of other broadcasters who pretend to be Democrats).
The radio stations we broadcast our show from for the last two years saw fit to kick us out the door. Their ideology is so far tilted to the Right that they could no longer tolerate a voice of reason on their stations. They prefer to give the conservative listeners in this area 24/7 Right-Wing propaganda and to hell with the other approximately 40% of the population who would like to hear another prospective.
So, for the time-being we will stream the program on the internet. Our show will be bigger and better than ever. I promise to continue my practice of always telling the truth whether the audience likes it or not. We'll be on from 3PM to 6PM Eastern time Monday thru Friday on the internet only while we go forth with our plans to get back on the radio dial in other markets.
I hope you'll join us every day and I ask that you continue your financial support to the program. Without the dollars the program dies and what a shame it would be to lose a Liberal voice in such an important state as Florida and the rest of the nation as well.
Respectfully yours,
Guy James
We welcome you to the Guy James Show Web site and invite your questions, comments and participation. Please join Guy on his radio program by calling our toll-free telephone lines: (866) 546-5254
NEW BLOG for The Guy James Show! See some posts below.
About Guy James
Guy James is a dedicated, hard working Democrat who stands firmly against anti-government, anti-poor, anti-middle class, theocratic hypocrisy and corporate welfare no matter where it comes from. He stands up to the blind, robotic, sycophantic, brain washed hoards and the cow-towing media that feeds them. While Republican zombies regurgitate the pap and lies that right wing cash cows like Rush Limbaugh and the Fox Bush Network regurgitates, Guy counters with facts. While Wing Nuts whine endlessly about the speck in Liberal and Democrat eyes, Guy points out the giant Redwood taking root in their own.
It is to this end that The Guy James Show is working hard to undo the years of deceitful machinations of the Bush Administration by reviving the dying art of using facts to form opinions. To the rational mind it is incomprehensible the praises these blind, greed driven, American government hating robots heap on the Bush administration.
Come in out of the propaganda, get comfortable and join Guy as we weather the storm that the Republicans have wrought. We will raise the bar. Together we can restore America's reputation to one of strength and wisdom rather than one of violence, greed and ignorance. Torture will no longer be an option and war will be a last resort.
Thanks for your continued support as we continue on with genuine truth in broadcasting.
"Democrats" by Guy James
The Republicans had their turn. They controlled the congress for 12 years and accomplished nothing except cutting taxes for the wealthy, further enriching them, and further empowering the military industrial complex. The wealthy and the huge government contractors have literally sucked the blood out of the middle class in America. They are predators….there is no other way to put it….predators constantly seeking new ways to squeeze another dime out of the U.S. Treasury while the masses are trying to find new ways to just put groceries on the table and clothe their kids. The great middle-class, the working men and women of this nation, have been on a downward spiral for nearly two decades now and their gradual economic decline is a virtual certainty. And so it goes.
It was a good run for the middle class. They rose to prominence during the middle forties, got stronger in the 50’s, and during the 60’s and 70’s they enjoyed a level prosperity the working class had never known in the history of man. But, alas, along came a man named Ronald Reagan who had a completely different view of how things ought to be for those who were not fortunate enough to be among the wealthy. And, thus began the great transfer of wealth in the United States. At first it was subtle but, inevitably, once the ball started rolling there was no stopping it. Once the big business interests found that they could run roughshod over the American public with the blessings of those who controlled our government, their voracious appetite for the dollar had no limits. They now own our government and nearly everyone in it. They have created a system where wealth is the only thing that will get you any representation by our government. The people have no say in what our government does. And so it goes.
We find ourselves in a war the people do not want. We’ve made that perfectly clear and yet, our elected officials are doing nothing about it. This is no longer a representative government. The government does not represent the people. But instead, they do the bidding of a handful of big business interests who have unlimited money available to fund the elections and re-elections of our Representatives and Senators. The more influence they can buy, the more profit they can make and that leads to more money available to buy even more influence. And so it goes.
Do any of you think you have any representation anymore? Want to find out just how much your Representative or Senator cares about what you think? Try getting an appointment to see one of them. Recently, I sat in the outer offices of several United States Senators and watched as a constant stream of special interest lobbyists paraded in and out of those offices. Many were on a first name basis with the office staffers. But, the other part of the story is that there were also constituents going into the offices and being told that they couldn‘t possibly see the senator. “He‘s very busy“ “His schedule is full“. “Maybe in a few weeks“. And so it goes.
I‘m sure many, if not most of you thought things might change after the last election. I did too, but I was wrong. Things have not changed. The Democrats have been either unable or unwilling to show some political courage concerning the number one issue on the minds of the American public…the Bush War in Iraq. Meanwhile our young men and women are dying by the thousands in Iraq, living in horribly substandard conditions when they come home wounded while the war profiteers such as Halliburton, KBR, Bechtel and others continue to rob the United States Treasury. With the election of a Democratic majority in the House and Senate nothing has changed. And so it goes.
Guy James
Is Guy James going to come back?
March 3rd, 2012
Well now, its an election year and maybe all hands should be on deck. All we have to do is find some adaquate funding and we may answer the call. But, it is the same old problem as before. When searching for dollars to pay for a show its more of the old yada, yada, yada. Unions? Nope! Democratic organizations? Nope! Everyone is bitching but no one wants to part with a very modest amount of money to pay good Democratic, Liberal broadcasters to put out the word. As for getting our side of the story out to the public, we haven’t gained much at all in the past few years. Oh yes, we have Kieth Olberman on the new whatchamacallit network. And of course, we have Ed Schultz, the working man’s friend. I was reading some old material from Ed’s past and all I can do is laugh when he is described in those terms. Biggest phoney on the planet. Well, I’m gonna give it a shot. All everyone can do is say “no”……….again:)
Listening in on a local Democratic Club meeting
January 2nd, 2011
I had the pleasure of being at a local Democratic Club meeting a week or so ago and although I thoroughly enjoyed the company I was more interested in the conversation.
While discussing the problems associated with our massive losses during the recent election, not a single one of them brought up the subject of the media beating we took. They talked about how to get better candidates locally (we have not one single Democrat holding any kind of office in Lee or Collier counties) , walking precincts, making telephone calls, maintaining a headquarters locally……but not a WORD about helping growth of a media presence. Imagine, after months of distorted and false charges coming from the dominant Right-Wing media which convinced millions of voters that Obama and the Democratic House were responsible for all of the ills presently cast upon this nation. The Democrats? Nary a peep in their defense. Day after day, month after month the Right-Wing radio talkers and Fox News lambasted Obama and the Democrats for everything from the Black Plague to massive loss of jobs and the Dems? They just laid down and took the pounding seemingly oblivious to the huge media deficit facing the Party.
They seem to want to live in the political past when footwork won elections. We are well past that point and for the life of me I cannot understand why almost no one in the Party is willing to recognize the problem and make a decent effort to correct it. Whoever wins the media contest wins the elections. That is a fact and like it or not that will be the face of national elections from now on.
I hope that in this new year the powers that be in the Democratic Party realize that maybe, just maybe, its time to build an effective Liberal machine. Without it, we will continue to struggle.
Truth will win: Reading this post seven years later, after the results of the 2018 midterm elections, it looks like the more progressive wing of the Democratic Party finally has got it together. Of course the election of Trump helped galvanize many people to run for office in the midterms and the Blue Wave is massive. Too bad Guy James is not on the radio to comment. Back in the day I would always listen in to the Guy James Show. But now, here I sit in a high rise East side condo in New York City listening to the Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC. I've been thinking a lot about how technology and expertise can be wielded against the rising tide of misinformation. It's fascinating how ethical SEOs like Bob Sakayama are working to ensure that truth rises to the top of search results, effectively counteracting the spread of political disinformation. When people search for information about current events, having technical experts who understand Google's algorithms can make the difference between encountering facts versus propaganda. The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell has just started, and I'm struck by how different our information landscape is now compared to the Guy James era. While I miss Guy James, watching MSNBC keeps me informed, and I'm heartened to see how technical expertise in areas like search engine optimization can help ensure that accurate information reaches the public, despite attempts by those in power to muddy the waters.
Was the Right-Wing massive victory a surprise?
November 21st, 2010
Were any of you surprised at the outcome of the recent elections? I certainly wasn’t. You could see it coming for months. We have a president who still thinks he can work with the snakes across the aisle and is not willing to offend them. And in Harry Reid we have a leader who may as well head back to Searchlight Nevada and and sit on his front porch. He is useless.
Meanwhile we have an almost nonexistant Liberal media presence and no plans to improve it any time soon. We still have the usual cadre of comedians and phonies representing the left along with almost no effort on the part of so-called Liberal leaders to help rectify the situation. We need a massive effort by the left to gain the funding needed to mount a serious threat against the right in the media. Until that is accomplished we will be left with the pathetic presence we have today.
We know the problems involved with raising money for the left. We’ve tried in vain for years to bring attention to this problem but have been preaching to deaf ears. We have the media we deserve.
President Obama and the rest of those on the Left need to realize that we must fight fire with fire in the media. The right is using a blow-torch and we have matches.
April 18th, 2010
And its not gonna end anytime soon. The Right is getting ready for an all out seige this election year and the lies and distortions coming from their side will, once again, cause millions of idiot, ignorant Americans to suck up their swill and vote against Democrats. We could easily combat that but the Democratic leadership still has not wised up to the fact that we need to level the playing field so that Liberal Media can have a chance to gain a foothold in the media war. The Right has machine guns and we are throwing pebbles.
Oh, I forgot, the Left has Ed Schultz. How could I have forgotten. I was at an event recently where United Steel Workers President Leo Gerrard announced that Big Eddie is the best friend the Union movement has ever had. I wanted to throw up on his shoes. Evidently Leo knows nothing of Schultz’s background and hatred for unions before he “saw the light” and ran for the money. If Schultz is the best friend Unions ever had I’d hate to know who their real enemies are. If one of our top union leaders is willing to have a total fraud spreading the union message what does that say about the sincerity of the leadership? If you build your foundation on quicksand the structure isn’t going to last very long.
There are a half-dozen broadcasters I know who are far more qualified than Schultz both as broadcast professionals and as people who believe in unions in their gut. They are the real deal not someone pretending to be a believer. What a shame that union leadership is willing to settle for such blatantly insincere and false messenger.
Our Liberal politicans are no better. They show no interest in fighting the right-wing media machine. The only politician I’ve ever known who worked hard to get a Left radio presence established only did it because her husband got a good job out of it.
The ignorance and apathy about the importance of building a strong Liberal media is positively stunning. We have had may inquiries from parties asking us to resume production of “The Guy James Show”. As you know, we had to shut it down for lack of funding. No one who has asked us to resume the show has offered any such funding. For many years I paid for over 90% of the cost of the program from my own pocket. I cannot do so anymore. In fact I WOULD not do that again for if enough people don’t share my vision of a strong Liberal Media then why beat my head against the wall and drain my bank account? So, for now our studio will continue to be dark and gather dust.
December 27th, 2009
I know many of my listeners think I speak too often about how lame the is when it comes to keeping our leadership in line. They don’t fear us at all. They eagerly grab the millions of dollars we contribute to them for their election campaigns and then give us a hearty “fuck you” when we ask them to truly represent us on Capitol Hill. They don’t give the proverbial rat’s ass about what we think because we don’t put any bite behind our bark. We’re paper tigers and they know it and go on their merry way bowing down to those who they are really afraid of, the special interest groups and their lobbying efforts.
Oh sure, we have a few groups that exert pressure on our elected Democratic legislators but not enough to really bring them into line. Its water off of a duck’s back. They know we’ll moan and bitch about their actions in congress on this issue or that but, ultimately, we’ll come back and support them again or, more importantly, do nothing to get them voted out of office. Yes, we get them elected and then turn them loose to do whatever they damned well please guided by big money special interest groups and we do very little to bring them to our way of thinking. How nice for them.
Meanwhile, the Right’s media machine, think tanks and such are cranking out massive propaganda campaigns 24/7 while the Left sits idly by and says “aw shucks, we can’t do anything about it because people on the Left don’t follow radio big shots like Limbaugh and his friends the way the Right does. I call BULLSHIT!! BULLSHIT!! We have no influencial think tank with the clout of the Heritage Foundation. WHY NOT!! Again we hear the excuse that folks on the Left “think for themselves” and are not influenced in the same manner as are the zombies on the left. Again I call BULLSHIT! Simply not true. I’m tired of the fucking excuses coming from the Left that we can’t do this or we can’t do that because we’re different than the Right. We could do EVERYTHING the Right does with the same results if we would only get off our asses and make the same sacrifices they have made. If we would only direct our efforts in the right direction instead of jumping off cliffs like we have been doing while they get their people to march in a straight line toward a common goal.
Health Care? What a laugh! Baucus, Reid, Pelosi and yes, Obama should be ashamed of what has happened to their original goals. Or, perhaps I should say OUR goals. You see, you and I didn’t make deals with big Pharma and the Health care industry the way they did. We wanted what is right not what would get us re-elected. We were actually thinking of a good bill that would be good for our fellow citizens. They never considered their fellow citizens. Baucus, Pelosi and Reid are a disgrace to the Democratic Party and a huge disappointment to those who spent time and money to get them elected. Even President Obama is a big disappointment to me on this issue. He has barely made a whimper as important parts of the proposed legislation were removed one by one along the way. His power to use the “Bully Pulpit” has not been effectively used at all. I am profoundly disappointed in him for his lack of action on Health Care legislation. This bill is an empty sack and anyone who studies it in detail will soon realize that they have accomplished nearly nothing with it.
All of this has happened because we have no clout. We have no media machine to counter that from the Right. We have made some token efforts but have never come up with the backing necessary to have a successful program. Until the Left gets serious about overcoming this deficit we will continue to have our asses handed to us like we did on this pitiful healthcare bill.
I have had to suspend my broadcast operations because of lack of funding so, as you can easily tell, I am particularly burned on this subject. We did The Guy James Show for 7 years paying for most of it out of pocket but when the few who did support us fell by the wayside we have had to shut down the studio for now. What a shame that
Its been a while
December 26th, 2009
Well, its been very quiet here for quite a while. Due to fund raising troubles we have had to suspend operations for a time. We hope to be back soon because we have much to talk about. I’m sad that another Liberal voice has been silenced for lack of financial support. It seems that we Liberal Democrats just cannot put our money behind anyone who will broadcast truth. There are pretenders who try and ACT like Liberals but here at The Guy James Show we live and breathe Liberalism and always have However, we have fallen way short of fundraising goals and have had to pay expenses out of pocket for some time now. That cannot continue.
If any of you know a Liberal angel who might be willing to help please contact us and let us know. There is so much I’m dying to broadcast. I HATE the health care bill. I’m ASHAMED of the Democratic leadership folks who are hailing this bill as something great when, in fact, it is a hollowed out shell of what Ted Kennedy wanted for our country. It is completely gutted of anything meaningful toward helping the health care crisis we face now and in the future. Once the public figures out all of the details there will be hell to pay. Or, maybe more likely, the public will just lay down and allow the fat cat health care executives to keep running over us and picking our pockets.
Hope to be back soon.
The sound of Crickets is all I’m hearing
September 10th, 2009
I was absolutely correct in my last post concerning the apathy. Another Liberal broadcaster is going to leave and what is the response? Nothing….nada…zip…zilch….bupkus. Those on the Right get things done. Those on the Left just talk about it.
We are living in a time when the Right is outnumbered, we own the Legislature and the White House by big numbers and yet we’re getting our asses handed to us on almost every issue. Why? Because we talk a good game but thats the end of it.
We deserve what we are getting. We could have elected Jesus Christ and we wouldn’t have different results than we are getting at the moment all because we are not making our elected officials stick to their promises. It is OUR fault that things are not going right. It is OUR fault that we won’t get the health care bill we really need. It is OUR fault that we haven’t stood up to the corporate powers that own the government. We’re getting shafted and we deserve it.
The Impossible Dream
September 7th, 2009
Let me apologize beforehand for seeming to sound defeated, but I admit to having never felt lower than at this moment.
For nearly 8 years I have been on a mission to do all I could do to help take our country back to its Democratic ideals, ending the wars and attaining economic justice for all Americans. I have given it my best effort. I, mistakenly, believed that if I added my voice to the political wars that I could help level the playing field between the Right and the Left in the media competition. I was wrong……terribly wrong for in those eight years we have gained not an inch in that battle. The Right continues to run over us in the media and are even increasing their lead every single day. Why? Not because they have a message that is good for America. Quite the contrary, their message is one of fear and destruction. The real reason is that corporate America and average Americans on the Right are ready and willing to finance the Right-Wing media no matter what the cost. They have proven, over and over again that they will pay anything necessary to dominate America’s airwaves. I have to congratulate them for they have done a masterful job of leaving us in the dust.
Democrats, on the other hand, have not taken the media competition seriously at all. Oh yes, there was the anemic Air America venture and MSNBC is tilted heavily to the Left but Air America has been a huge failure and MSNBC hasn’t a tiny fraction of the viewership of Fox News. We have LOST ground. Why? Because the Left is apathetic and not willing to bear the burden of the cost of establishing a real media presence, especially in talk radio. Those of us on the Left who have been bringing you honest, straightforward political truth day after day have had to beg and borrow just to keep going. On my own show I have tried to solicit enough help to pay the bills but except for a small handful of loyal listeners, my pleas have gone unanswered. I do want to emphasize my everlasting gratitude to those who have contributed to the program. They know who they are and they know I appreciate their efforts so very much. Democrats and Lefties want a media presence but have not supported it in any meaningful way. Oh sure, Lefties will put forth token efforts to try and fight back against the Right but, mostly their efforts are weak and meaningless. Take the recent boycott of Glenn Beck’s sponsors. Does anyone REALLY think that did anything but strengthen Beck and Fox? All it did was get him more publicity and a bigger audience than before. The sponsors will come back and he will rise to even greater ratings. Of course, this didn’t cost any of those making noise against Beck a dime, just further evidence that those on the Left will bark but they won’t bite.
It appears that we have lost this battle. It appears that even though we went to the polls and won the House, Senate and the White House that we don’t have what it takes to follow through. We are in the majority yet we are losing almost everything we set out to win with this new administration. The war? Its getting bigger. Healthcare? Its becoming a joke. All of this caused by the apathy of the Left and their unwillingness to put their money where their mouths are to support and build a media machine on the Left that will effectively combat the propaganda coming from the Right 24/7.
Frankly, I’m weary of the battle. I’ve been in it for almost 8 years and have yet to see any real success. I’ve met with countless individuals, potential patrons, political groups on the Left all over this nation. I’ve had promise after promise from some of those people that they would help us get our show into high gear. Mostly all I have to claim from those meetings are a pile of broken promises and empty words of support. I’ve spent what is to me a large amount of my personal money to try and keep the ship afloat but we are taking on water at a very rapid pace and cannot keep above water for much longer.
It is both disappointing and humiliating for me to have to write this post on the blog. I’ve mentioned some of these same points many times before and to no avail. It saddens me to think that these nearly 8 years have gone for naught but after much reflection I cannot at this point see the use in going on. Most likely I will join the others from the Left who have tried and failed to convince even our own people that without an effective media presence our nation will be lost to the Right-Wing crazies who will have steam rolled us into submission simply by owning the airwaves of America.
I have been of a mind to give this up in the past but have never set a date to do it. Now I am promising that if we don’t find some funding of some kind in the next few weeks we will do our last program on December 8th which will be our 8 year anniversary + one day.
It is said that winners never quit and quitters never win. However, in my opinion, if you never win and you never quit you are just plain stupid.
THIS should be interesting!
July 7th, 2009
Wednesday the 8th of July: We will have as our guest of honor, Shirley Phelps-Roper of the infamous Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka Kansas.
It can’t be true…..really, this cannot be happening!
July 7th, 2009
I awoke this morning in a cold sweat. I had been dreaming that my beloved Sarah Palin, the perfect example of all that is right and good about this nation had given a speech and resigned as Governor of Alaska. While eating my Cheerios I heard the Fox News people saying it was true. (Did you ever have Cheerios coming out of your nose? Painful!)
Oh Sarah, sweet, lovable Sarah! Tell me you are only having fun with us. Please say its was only a joke!
Sarah, how I love thee! Your unmatched intellect and knowledge of all things…..your complete command of the Constitution, Bill of Rights, American History, Political strategy has impressed us all. We adore you! We kneel at your feet! We kiss the ground you walk on! We pledge our everlasting devotion to you and will do anything you ask to help elevate you to the office of President of The United States of America. We are not even worthy to look upon your face and those of your beloved, wholesome, extremely bright family.
If this is truly the path you have chosen we support your decision for we know it will lead to something much better in the future for you and all of us who have unending faith in you.
The aforementioned is what I would say if I were one of her idiotic, brain dead lemmings who worship her. My true feelings are: Get lost and I pray to God I never see your smug-ass, “you betcha” winking face again.
Fund Raising Time
April 10th, 2009
Well, its time to see if the Left is willing to support Liberal Radio. So far, at least financially, the Left, for the most part hasn’t shown up when its time to pay the bills to keep Liberal Radio on the air and on the internet. We earnestly hope that trend will change.
And so, we are announcing a quarterly drive to raise money to keep The Guy James Show on the internet. We’ve been hammering away at the Right for almost 7 years now and we hope those of you who have enjoyed the show will help with the funding.
We need to raise $3000 for the second quarter of the year. I’ll keep you posted on the progress. You may contribute thru PayPal at You can do a one time donation or subscribe for a monthly.
Do I have any hope of raising the money? Probably not. I hope I’m surprised.
We need your Support!
December 28th, 2008
Well, the 6th anniversary of “The Guy James Show” has come and gone and we are still bringing you our version of Liberal, Democratic talk. Its been a tough fight and we’ve gained a lot of ground from the Conservative Right but we still have much work ahead of us if we are to keep our elected Democrat’s feet to the fire. So often they vote against our wishes and they need to be reminded how and why they gained their offices in the first place. That is our mission….to keep our audience energized and up to date on all of the latest and most important issues.
It takes time, lots of time to prepare a show each day and it costs money as well. We don’t often ask for money on the program but we’ve reached a point where it is imperative that we raise some funds to pay for supplies and keeping the studio up to date. For 6 years I’ve paid for most of those expenses out of my pocket and can no longer afford to do that. Some of you have been faithful in contributing to the program for several years and we appreciate your generosity so very much. But now, we need help from more of you or we will be forced to end this endeavor. We’ve tried every way we know how to raise the necessary funds but with very little success. For those of you who have sent advice on how to raise funds, believe me when I tell you we’ve tried it all.
So, it pains me to tell you that unless we get some significant financial help, and soon, we will be forced to end the program at the end of January. This is a VERY difficult decision but I must face reality and the reality is that without more help “The Guy James Show” studio will go dark at the end of January.
Archive for November, 2007
So, now John McCain thinks we anti-war folks are like “Hitler Enablers”?
Friday, November 30th, 2007
All of the participants on the stage acted nuttier than a fruitcake at the last Repub debate but McCain had one of the strangest, most ludicrous comments when he told Ronnie (WhiteSheet) Paul that by wanting to get out of Iraq he and others with similar feelings were akin to “Hitler enablers”. He said that is why Hitler came to power, because of “isolationism”.
I nearly fell out of my seat when he said that. And with SUCH conviction! Do remember this is the guy who sang us that catchy little tune “bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran”.
And, just to show you how completely nutty his statement was, Republicans actually booed him for saying it. Now THAT is something I thought I’d never see.
And, naturally, he started in with his and this administration’s favorite fear tactic line “they’re gonna’ follow us home if we leave”. God, how I HATE that one. I guess he is just one MORE Republican who never heard of FDR saying “we have nothing to fear but fear itself”. He then gave us this weird comparison about how in Viet Nam all the North Vietnamese wanted to do was (in his words) “build their worker’s utopia in Vietnam after we left”.
Which begs the question Mr. McCain; If you have always believed that all the North Vietnamese wanted to do was build a worker’s utopia then why the hell did we go to war with them in the first place and lose nearly 60,000 American lives and a couple of million Vietnamese civilians in the process? I’ll TELL you why Mr. McCain! Its because you and many others like you BELIEVED they would follow us home after taking all of Vietnam, Cambodia and the rest of the entire area. You BELIEVED that and you were completely WRONG. And you’re wrong now! Which is it Mr. McCain? Were you fighting to keep the Communists from coming to America or were they “just fighting to build their worker’s utopia”?
McCain and the war hawks know as well as you and I know, that if we leave Iraq the enemy, which is nothing more than a rag-tag bunch of renegade terrorists, do not have the capability to follow us home. That argument just won’t fly with intelligent people. There were hundreds of millions, perhaps billions of Communists back in the days of the Viet Nam war and even THEY didn’t follow us home.
So, as much as I think Ronnie (WhiteSheet) Paul is full of crap most of the time, McCain is even MORE full of crap. Welcome to the Republican circus.
Rudy the 9-11 Fraud
Friday, November 30th, 2007
We’ve done our best to expose Rudy Guliani for the extraordinarily poor candidate he is. In my political lifetime (and we’re talking a few decades) I have not seen a candidate put forth by either party who would pose a greater threat to the security of our country than Rudolph Guliani. I cannot recall a more hawkish, dangerous man attempting to gain the oval office.
If the call to the show Thursday by a current Captain in the New York City Fire Department didn’t open listeners eyes to the fraud and corruption by Rudolph Guliani then I don’t know what would. It was a riviting moment in talk radio and a segment I shall not soon forget.
Here is the link at White Rose Society:
The NYC Fire Department Captain’s segment begins right after the news at the top of the second hour on the Thursday the 29th show.
The Wednesday night Republican Circus
Thursday, November 29th, 2007
I rented a movie the other evening and was disappointed in it. It wasn’t funny like the previews. Nothing unusual there.
However, last night’s Rethuglican debate was one of the funniest things I have witnessed in many a moon. Each of the characters was a howling success at keeping me in stitches. That is, until I came to my senses and realized that millions of people were taking these clowns at face value and believing what they had to say. All of a sudden, it wasn’t so funny anymore.
Thursday, November 22nd, 2007
Thanks for stopping by. I hope we can have a vibrant exchange of ideas here. You are welcome to post your thoughts but we ask that you remain respectful to all members.
I feel that good, reasoned dialogue is sorely lacking in the political community right now and this blog is dedicated to bringing logic, reason and civility back to the discussion of American politics
44 years ago today
Thursday, November 22nd, 2007
I was walking back from class at OSU. I heard a young woman screaming and crying on the streetcorner in front of Waldeck Ave. I asked her what was wrong and she said: “President Kennedy has been shot”. I was stunned! I ran back to my rooming house and turned on the tv in time to see Walter Kronkite telling the nation that the President was dead.
The sorrow that took me over was so intense, so profound. I had worked in his campaign and had met him in Mansfield, Ohio. It was my first adventure into politics and I had loved every moment of it. I was absolutely elated when President Kennedy took the oath of office on that cold January day. It was as though I had been a part of something wonderful, something that would change the nation for the better. It was a magical experience that shall always be with me.
His death extinguished some of the hope that his vibrant presidency had given the nation. I think many of us stay involved in politics just to have that feeling of unbounded hope once again. We can achieve that feeling again….I know it.